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Disposable device for perioperative rectal washing

It is now current to use transanal wash with povidone iodine solution or with physiological solution, when the rectum is isolated and after closing the bowel downstream of the neoplasia. Intraoperative rectal washing has a dual purpose: reducing the concentration of the rectal bacterial flora before the execution of manual or mechanical anastomosis and allowing the exfoliation of tumour cells (possible but not ascertained cause of local recurrences).
Colo-Shower is a new system for the execution of rectal irrigations by the anal route characterised by the possibility of avoiding any outflow of waste from the rectum during perioperative washing: the outgoing liquid is conveyed in a closed circuit and the collection takes place in a cascade vase or in an appropriate bag.
In addition to a modified anoscope, the device is composed of a holding collector to be inserted after removing the anoscope spindle, a 6.8 mm connecting tube provided with a spike and clamp to be connected to the container that holds the washing liquid, a 11.7 mm diameter tube and a bag for the discharge and collection of waste liquids.


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